Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hit Us With Your Best Shot!

What makes or doesn't make you want to attend Putt It On in August?

Remember: this night is for you guys! Let me know (through a message or here in the comment section) what you like or dislike about the event and we'll be sure to work with your requests (or compliments)!

Event Update! Oh How Things Have Changed!

Hey everyone!

Lets get straight to the point: the event has been moved to August 13th, 2010.

We're hoping that with this move we can entice a few more people to come out for the night and enjoy themselves at Golden Tee Golfland. The best part about the move to the 13th of August?

It's a Friday!

This means that the majority of you now have less stresses when it comes to attending the event: no work, school, church, ANYTHING the next morning!

Other than the date change and extended hours (6pm-12am now!), the event has stayed exactly the same.

We hope that these changes make it easier for more of you to come out and enjoy a night under the sun at Putt It On 2010!

Take care and keep in touch.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Logos, and Mascots, and Shirts, Oh My!

Hey again!

Brian from Putt It On here. I just wanted to let everyone know that we've been teaming up with a very talented individual (much more-so than us) and working on a brand new logo and mascot!

These new, clean, friendly, and "omg ADORABLE" pieces of work (quotations courtesy of the girls on the Putt It On team) will be featured throughout the event!

There's only one catch: we need all of YOU who are interested to RSVP for the event and in turn let us know just how interested you are! The more people that RSVP, the higher the quality and amount of shirts (featuring the logo and mascot) that we can order for the event!

And oh! Did I mention that the shirts are going to be a super-ridiculous, awesomely-cheap, even-if-you-hate-it-you-can-
still-wear-it-to-sleep $10?

Just remember that we're doing this event for YOU and that the main goal of the Putt It On staff is to provide everyone with a great event and exciting night out that allows everybody to experience something new and unique: Cosplay Mini-Golf (and ARCADE)!

So leave some comments, fill in your RSVP at the Facebook page, or even shoot me a little spam mail (if you're feeling feisty) and remember: we're in this for your enjoyment!

Look out for the new logo and mascot design within the coming week! They're "ADORABLE!"


Monday, March 8, 2010

Just Checking In!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to send out a quick message informing you all that the event is most definitely STILL ON. I know we created the Facebook page and blog a little early (a lotta early, even), but we chose to do so because we want plenty of time for word to spread regarding this event!

We understand that it's something quite different than the norm and, according to the others helping with the event (who know much more about the scene than I do), a bit risky. I simply hope that you all see it as a fun summer night out with a bunch of people who share the very same interest in Cosplay!

We're also looking for a neat logo and mascot design (because we obviously lack the proper skills to do so)! If you can draw better than we can and are interested in a neat, event-related prize, send me a message and hopefully we can work something out!

Thanks for reading everyone! We all hope to see you at Putt It On come June 9th!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Facebook Page!

Hey everyone!

We're trying to gauge everybody's interest in the event and, thanks to the help of Dana M. Weise of Nor-Cal Conventions and Mel Van Buren (who initially notified Dana about PIO), we have a brand new Facebook page up and running! Jump to the end of this post for the link!

Check it out, leave a few comments, and let us know if you're interested in coming! The more people at the event the better it will be!

Thanks again everyone.

Putt It On 2010 Facebook Page
